Daimler Truck

The tasks as a portal manager

A Portal Manager takes care of user accounts linked to a supplier code. They handle user tasks and can approve application usage. Multiple Portal Managers can be assigned to one supplier code. Only Portal Manager can access the Alice.

In Alice Portal Manager can perform below mentioned tasks:

  • Approves new user Id creation request
  • Approves application request of the user
  • Adding/Removing application role to the user
  • Delete user accounts that are no longer needed
  • Activation of the user (Who's account is deactivated due to long time inactivity)
  • Reset Password
  • Reset second factor (MFA)
  • Assigning Portal Manager (Admin role) to other user


In SDBT Portal Manager can perform below mentioned tasks:

  • Add/remove/edit contact (without attached user account) details in SDBT
  • Edit the company/organization details
  • Trigger the Portal Manager request for the user.
  • Create the index for the supplier code for different locations


Update: The Alice Access UI was initially launched without Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA, aka „PingID“). 
As times have changed and new security-critical features make their way to the Alice Access UI, we plan to enable MFA.
This will be introduced June 3rd
The users of Access UI are automatically guided through the process of activating MFA step by step (same procedure as currently in Alice Identity and Admin UI).


  • Alice Update: 4-eyes principle

    Alice has introduced the 4-eyes principle for role approvals. This means that Portal Managers who request access to applications must now be approved by a second Portal Manager in their company. This change only affects Portal Managers who request roles for themselves. It does not affect requests from users managed by Portal Managers.

    What does this mean for you?

    • To fulfill the requirements, Portal Managers must ensure that there are at least two Portal Managers for their company (via My Profile > My Portal Managers). 
    • If this is not yet the case, you must name a second one, which can be done easily via SDBT and the available contacts. 
    • If this is not possible, you must submit a ticket to the Supplier Helpdesk after you have requested a role: Support Request | Daimler Truck Supplier Portal


  • How can I get Portal Manager rights?

    In the Course of Registration

    When registering for the Supplier Portal, a Portal Manager is named. Usually, it is the person who carries out the registration.

    By Application

    Another way to become a Portal Manager is to apply for this role. Simply click on "My Profile" and then click "Apply as Portal Manager". Your Portal Manager can then approve this application.

  • How does a Portal Manager manage users?

    Portal Managers can use the Portal Manager tool, also called Alice to approve all the request of the users, change roles or add users.

  • Where do I find the Portal Manager tool (Alice)?

    Just click on the "My Profile" available in the Homepage of the supplier Portal and then click on "Portal Manager Tool (Alice)".

  • Can multiple Supplier Codes be managed by ONE User-ID?

    No. Please do not assign more than one supplier code to one User-ID!

    Since our applications do not support this and may lead to error messages.


    Therefore, please note: ONE User-ID = ONE Supplier Code

    We check whether this function (so-called MLA, Multi-Location-Authorization) can be implemented in the future.

  • Where can I find the Portal Manager terms of use, which have to be accepted by Portal Managers?

    You will have to accept the Portal Manager terms of use as soon you login with Portal-Manager rights.

    You can access and print these Terms of Use again later in the Portal Manager Tool (Alice).

    If you do not wish to agree to the Terms of Use, you can continue to use the Portal as a regular user without Portal Manager rights.

    Click here for more details about the Terms of Use.


  • How do I reset the second factor?

    If one of your users has difficulty opening an application that is classified as "confidential" (e.g. user gets an error message during two-factor authentication), you can reset the user's second factor in the Portal Manager Tool (Alice). Open the corresponding user profile and select the more option and click on the button "Reset MFA".

  • Who will approve my request for user registration (process for getting User ID for Daimler Truck Supplier Portal)?

    Your organization's Portal Manager will grant approval to users. For every supplier code, there is at least one designated "Portal Manager" defined within your organization.

  • How can I identify my Portal Manager?

    You can't know your Portal Manager until your user ID creation request is approved during the time of registration, but the Daimler Truck key account in your company may help you find them.

    If you already having the user Id then you can find your Portal Manager by clicking on the "My Profile" in Homepage and click on "My Portal Manager"

  • What can I do if there is no Portal Manager available (e.g. has left the company)?

    For each supplier number, a minimum of two portal managers should be designated.

    Case 1: If no portal manager exists, please follow one of the processes below to set up the portal manager:

    a. Contact your corresponding buyer to add the necessary contact details in SDB – T and establish the portal manager.

    b. Contact the supplier portal help desk with the provided details to set up the portal manager.

    • Supplier Number:
    • First & Last Name:
    • Email address:
    • Contact number:
    • Function(Job Title):

    Case 2: If there is only one portal manager, they can assign the portal manager role to another person directly in Alice.

    Case 3: Users can directly apply for the portal manager role in the supplier portal by selecting "Apply as Portal Manager" under "My Profile."