The goal of Daimler Truck is to combine economic success with responsible action toward the environment, people and society – and to do so along the entire value chain.

Supply Chain Sustainability
We purchase most of our raw materials, components and services from suppliers around the world. It is therefore clear: Our responsibility does not end at our factory gates. Our aim is for our supply chain also to be part of our sustainability efforts. That’s why we expect our suppliers to adhere with ecological and social standards.
With the Business Partner Standards, Daimler Truck explains its ethical principles and the respective expectations of business partners. We actively promote their compliance and demand this also from our partners. We provide our business partners and suppliers with the Compliance Awareness module to raise awareness of human rights issues.
For direct suppliers, we contractually safeguard our sustainability requirements in addition to our Buiness Partner Standards with our special purchasing conditions, the Daimler Truck Special Terms. We also work together in various projects and associations, organisations and other companies to source raw materials responsibly.
The comparability of supplier evaluations is also important for effective sustainable supplier management, for example by using the industry-wide questionnaire on sustainability (self-assessment questionnaire) from the European sustainability initiative Drive Sustainability.
More information on human rights in supply chains can be found here.