The Financial Vendor Portal (FVP Truck) provides suppliers of Daimler Truck AG and its affiliated companies with 24/7 access to invoice statuses, payment documents, and the option to send inquiries regarding outstanding items – always up-to-date and transparent.

FVP Financial Vendor Portal
Your benefits with the Financial Vendor Portal

FAQ - Financial Vendor Portal
All frequently asked questions regarding the Financial Vendor Portal
How do I get access to the FVP?
To use the Financial Vendor Portal of Daimler Truck AG, you must be registered in the Supplier Portal and request access to the FVP Truck application. Your Portal Manager must then approve the request. Once approved, the "FVP Truck" app should appear under "Applications" in the Supplier Portal. After your first login, a password reset is required.
For a detailed step-by-step guide, please refer to: Registration for the Supplier Portal & Financial Vendor Portal
Where can I view the status of my invoices in the FVP?
If you have access to the Financial Vendor Portal Truck, you can check your open and closed items under "Display Invoice Status" in the main menu. In the next step choose open or closed invoices and select the date.
How can I submit inquiries about overdue invoices via the FVP?
You can directly submit inquiries about individual overdue invoices through the Financial Vendor Portal. To do this, go to "Display Invoice Status" -> "Open Items" You will now see all open items. Click on the "Details" button next to the respective invoice and then on "Inquiry" Fill out the form (please provide as much information as possible) and click "Send" A ticket will now be created directly with our accounting team, and you will receive a response to your inquiry shortly.
Why are my invoices and credit/debit notes not displayed in the FVP?
Invoices and credit notes created by suppliers are only displayed in the Financial Vendor Portal after they have been booked into our financial and controlling system. If you believe that your invoice or credit note is unjustly not displayed, please contact to have the receipt checked.
Documents generated by Daimler Truck AG (and its subsidiaries), such as ERS credit notes, credits, etc., are only visible in the FVP Truck after they have been created and sent. If you believe that a document generated by us is missing, please contact the appropriate mailbox in Accounting: Contact | Daimler Truck Supplier Portal
Where can I download credit and debit notes in the FVP?
The Financial Vendor Portal allows you to download various documents generated by Daimler Truck AG. The following document types are available for download:
- ERS credit notes and charges
- Manually created credit notes and charges
- Invoice reductions
- Revaluation receipts
- Invoice cancellations
- Payment runs
- Payment advices
To download these documents, go to "Display Invoice Status" -> "Open Items" (or "Closed Items"), then click on "Details" for the respective item, followed by "View Attachments" The document will open as a .PDF file in your browser, allowing you to save it directly.
Payment runs and payment advices can be downloaded under "Payment Advices". Please enter the time period for which you want to view the payment runs. Click "Download" to download the payment run as an EXCEL file. If you want to download the corresponding payment advice, click "Download in PDF" in the upper right corner, select the relevant payment advice, and click "Download".
Where can I view payment runs in the FVP?
You can view and download payment runs under "Payment Advices" Please enter the time period for which you want to view the payment runs. Click "Download" to download the payment run as an EXCEL file.
How can I download payment advices in the FVP?
Payment advices can be downloaded under "Payment Advice" Please enter the time period for which you want to view the payment runs. To download the corresponding payment advice, click "Download in PDF" in the upper right corner, select the relevant payment advice, and click "Download".
Where can I view my master data in the FVP?
You can view your master data under "Display your own data" Otherwise, you can find your master data as usual in our master data database under the following link: SDB 4
Can I change my master data via the FVP?
You cannot directly change your master data via the FVP. However, you can view your master data, navigate to the Supplier Data Base, or submit a request to the master data team.
If you want to change your master data, we offer the following options:
- Change master data yourself via the SDB: SDB 4
- Contact the master data team:
- Submit a request via the FVP: Click on "Message to Front Office AP Department" in the FVP and select "Request for Master Data" as the option. You can now submit your request to the master data team.
Who can I contact for technical issues with the FVP?
If you experience technical issues with the "Financial Vendor Portal Truck" application, please contact our technical support via the Supplier Portal: Support Request | Daimler Truck Supplier Portal
Please only contact this support for technical issues, such as login errors, registration issues, password reset problems, or other technical malfunctions.
For questions or problems regarding specific items, documents, or payments, please use the "Message to Front Office AP Department"-Option in the FVP.
Alternatively you can contact the appropriate Accounting mailbox: Contact | Daimler Truck Supplier PortalFor questions or issues with your master data, please contact: