Frequently Asked Questions
What is this Portal / website for? Who can use it?
The Daimler Truck Supplier Portal is the central platform to exchange information and data between Daimler Truck and its suppliers.
Only suppliers with valid Daimler Truck supplier codes (supply relationship) can register here.
What is the difference of this platform to daimlertruck.com?
The Daimler Truck Supplier Portal is a working platform used by Daimler Truck employees and supplier employees to exchange information.
daimlertruck.com does focus the customers of the products which were produced by the help of the Daimler Truck Supplier Portal.
How to register a Portal User?
Do I have to register as a supplier?
You only have to register for our Portal if you have been asked to by Daimler Truck.
Daimler Truck employees will inform you what to use ( information or applications) in our Portal.
But if you know your supplier code, you also can register and use the Portal. Then you should may ask your Daimler Truck counterpart if it makes sense to use one of the available applications to improve collaboration.
What do I need to register?
You only need to know your supplier locations Daimler Truck supplier code.
After approval of your registration by your Portal Manager in your company, you will get a User-ID and a start password.
Who will approve my registration?
Users will be approved by your Portal Manager within your location / company.
For each supplier code / location there is at least one "Portal Manager" defined by your Company.
Can I apply as a NEW Supplier for Daimler Truck?
You can apply as a supplier for Daimler Truck on the Procurement pages.
Just select "Procurement" and "Overall"
Can I use pictures of Daimler Truck products or refere to Daimler in my documents, which I want to share?
Please verify the use of Daimler Truck pictures or references by using the "Daimler Truck as a reference" link in the footer. For more information click here
How can I find my supplier code to register?
The supplier code can be found on the order. Your sales department can find it for you.
How can I get a supplier code if my company is not accepted by the system or not now delivering to Daimler Truck?
First check with your sales colleague if the supplier code you used is valid.
Possible future suppliers can apply to be a Daimler Truck supplier on the Portal Homepage.
Our procuement department will then check the request.
How can I identify my Portal Manager if my registration approval takes too long?
Unfortunately you can not identify your Portal Manager before you have been approved.
But the Daimler Truck key account in your company may can find out who your Portal Manager is.
What can I do if there is no Portal-Manager available on my location?
Any Daimler Truck Supplier Portal user out of your location can define a Portal Manager for his location in the application SDB Truck. As soon this defined user approved the Portal-Manager Terms, he/she can manage users for his location.
Where can I find help when I´m logged in?
When you are logged in you can find a lot of supportive information by clicking on the avatar-icon upper right.
You´ll find here FAQs, Manuals, Videow, .... for active Users.On the applications you can get additional information on the application tiles in the "Your Applications" section.
How can I switch Languages?
You can switch the language (German, English) upper right hand side.
If you want to translate the shown page(s) you can use so called "browser addons" (please ask your internal support if needed). Here are some examples (but there are more available)
Internet Explorer: Google Toolbar
Edge: Translator
Opera: Translate Webpage,
Firefox: Google Translate or Foxlingo,
Chrome: Google Translate