Integrity and compliance provide the foundations for the business of the Daimler Truck AG and for collaboration with its partners in an atmosphere of trust. That only works if company, employees and business partners have a common understanding of values, and all work in unison.
The Daimler Business Partner Standards summarized which ethical principles apply and what Daimler Truck expects from its partners. This includes compliance with laws and technical regulations as well as for example the responsible handling of data, respect for human rights and the alignment of actions with our corporate principles.
The corporate principles describe what should distinguish cooperation, in particular fair, respectful and honest dealings.
Daimler Truck is committed to taking an active part in ensuring that the standards are met and also demand this of its partners as prerequisite for successful collaboration.
The Business Partner Standards apply to all partners equally, for example to suppliers, sales partners, sponsorship partners and brand ambassadors, joint-venture partners or licensees. They are available in English here on our corporate website.